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​Founding of Niizumi Guidance Association

This foundation is a venerable foundation established by Prime Minister Giichi Tanaka on July 15, 1926 (1926 AD) by the Emperor Taisho's Gift Fund.

Giichi Tanaka explained that in order to raise healthy children, a healthy family life is the basis.

He also kept his eyes on the world, while respecting our unique culture and adhering to a consistent educational belief that he would never be biased.

Then, he decided that "child-rearing education that will bear the future of Japan is important," and established the Foundation Law Niizumi Guidance Committee. Dedicated his life to the Foundation.

This educational belief continues to be the basic spirit of the Foundation.



​Norihiro Hayashi

​Date of establishment

​July 15, 1918

​The competent government agency

​Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare


​The purpose of this association is to provide stable family life and sound upbringing of children by providing sociological, psychological and medical guidance and assistance to families and children.


The Society will carry out the following projects in order to achieve its purpose.

Dissemination of knowledge about the stability of family life and the sound development of children



Research on measures for stable family life and sound upbringing of children


​Guidance and training necessary for the stability of family life and the sound development of children, such as the establishment of a meeting place and patrol guidance


​Business necessary to achieve the goals of the Society

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